Friday 8 October 2010

Size matters revisited

blue forest jewellery
Rose quartz earrrings
Do you remember this blog post?

It caused a lot of interest, and there were a lot of great comments, 26, made at the time. The issue of size in photographing jewellery is a big one for sellers I know, and I've seen it discussed in lots of the handmade forums. A friend of mine in the Lonely Jewelers Etsy team recently did a great blog post on a similar subject, how to make sure you bought the beads and findings that you wanted in the right size. 

blue forest jewellery
Tree of life earrings
blue forest jewellery
Green glass bead necklace

A lot of people commented on using the golf ball as a comparison, but not many thought it enhanced the jewellery!

The suggestion I liked most, and the one I'm trying out with all my new listings now, was from The Crafty Bride. The idea of using 1 cm squared paper, which is not intrusive, and enables you to take another shot that shows the intricacies of the piece in question, I thought was really inspired. 
blue forest jewellery
Turquoise and white agate earrings

Here are some examples from recent listings. What do you think? It would be great to hear your views. And The Crafty Bride should win a prize for having such a great idea, and sharing it. What prize do you think I could award?


  1. Works unless you're an american shopper as they think in inches:-)

  2. It's a good idea but it's not going to suit all types of jewellery.
    As long as you have the sizes in your description - length of earrings, size of beads, etc, the buyer can't really complain!

  3. The tree of life earrings would be a lovely prize, because they are drop dead gorgeous!

  4. OMG when I read your message I was wondering what I had said and what it was about, completely forgot about this. I think they look great and it is only 1 photo out of 5. I think there should be a photo showing size proportion for every item that we all sell.

  5. I like it, but if you're looking to attract US buyers (or UK buyers who still think in 'old money') it won't help. I'd use a clear ruler (showing both inches and centimetres) placed either horizontally or vertically at the edge of the photo. For one pic, it wouldn't hurt, imo. :-)

  6. It certainly makes it clear to me and I'm sure people can work out inches or centimetres - a good idea.


Please share your thoughts here - the more, the merrier! I've had to enable word verification because of the amount of spam comments - sorry, I know it's a pain!

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