Friday 26 February 2010

Folksy Friday meets Twitter

Birds are sweet, aren’t they? They remind us of spending time out in the summer sun, listening to their songs, or of time spent in front of the PC promoting our shops on Twitter!

Here are my Folksy birdy picks:

 A pair of beautiful lovebird bowls from Prince Design UK

These lovely blue birds (my fave colour, in case you hadn't guessed!) on a print from sooziebee

This gorgeous handbag from Uniquely Different which I really, really want - but OH says we need a bigger house before I can buy any more handbags :(

And lastly, in hommage to the Etsy front page, we must have an owl.


That's from Kool Kooky Kreatures 
Tweet, tweet everyone!

Saturday 20 February 2010

Sunshine Blog Award

The Sunshine Award was passed on to me by Red Bird Jewellery, which really made my day – check out her lovely Etsy shop here

You might have heard of this already, but basically the Sunshine Award is awarded to bloggers whose positivity and creativity inspires others in the blog world. So a huge thanks to Red Bird for nominating me.


There are some rules that come with the award which are as follows:
- Put the logo on your blog or within your post
- Pass the award onto 12 bloggers
- Link the nominees within your post
- Let the nominees know they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
- Share the love and link to the person from whom you received this award.

So here’s my list of nominees...
Go check them out - I hope you enjoy reading these blogs as much as I do!

Friday 19 February 2010

Folksy Friday - The Colours of Spring

The colours of spring - why not think about them now amidst the snow! These are my pink and green picks from lovely Folksy sellers. There's a floral theme too.  Hope you enjoy :-)

Sweet Green Flower Brooch by SewRealicoul

Lovely Pink and Green Felt Flower Brooch by CharlysGems
(That's a shop waiting to be found with some really charming items)

Pink Flower Hair Clips by nickynackynoo 

Pink Tri-flower brooch by BlissKnits

Saturday 13 February 2010

Introducing the 'brangle'

This was really a mistake, but I think I might have created something unique by doing it!

The pearls came in a batch of different colours. The gold ones were the ones I thought I probably wouldn't make up. Nothing wrong with gold, just not one of my favourite shades.

But I thought I'd see if the holes were large enough for memory wire, so started experimenting with the gold ones, and seeing if some topaz crystals would co-ordinate with them.

As you can see, they went on and I was pleased with the crystal effect. Quite a tight fit though, and as I teased them on, something happened to the memory wire. It sort of expanded and lost it's curl.

I finished it off with a jump ring and crystal, just to see how it would look...

And now, I think I've got something half way between a bracelet and a bangle. It has enough flexibility to slip on the wrist but is quite rigid like a bangle. Could it be I've invented the BRANGLE?!

Here's the finished article. The colour is really growing on me now, and I'm thinking of putting it in the shop. What do you think?

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