Wednesday 17 August 2011

The dog's blog: At last I get to speak!

So, apparently now that I am three years old, I'm allowed to use my mum's blog occasionally to report important things in my canine life and speak to all you lovely dogs out there about things we find important.  At last!  I have so much to say.

Shall I introduce myself?  Mum says only briefly, because some of you know me already.  I'm Lucca, I'm a (dark) chocolate Labrador, a boy but now seperated from some of my boy bits!  I'm frequently told I'm the best dog in the world, most handsome dog in the world, best dog swimmer in the world, cleverest dog in the world (less often!) etc, etc.  Modesty forbids me from commenting.

I was born three years and 12 days ago on a working farm in the countryside.  My real mum and dad were both chocolate Labs too, and so were my 11 brothers and sisters.  I was torn from my real family at the age of 12 weeks and brought to this small but fairly comfortable house by 'mummy' and 'daddy'.  Obviously I miss the company of other dogs, but to be honest, the sofa, central heating and not having to compete with anyone for dog food beat the rather basic stable where I spent my first three months hands down. 

My only interest in crafts is when the occasional bead rolls off mum's table and finds its way into my mouth.  They are not very tasty at all so I usually spit them out.  So my bit of the blog will be a craft-free zone.  

Enough apparently - I could go on all day. Can I just say what I've been up to recently?  Here goes.

Lots of swimming - especially with my friend Bonnie, the retriever, who has been recovering from hip operations for a long time and has only just come back to join me on walks. Here I am playing one of my favourite games - recover the stick from the water then refuse to give it up to be thrown in again.

Here I am at the International Dog Agility Show at Kelmarsh Hall at the weekend. It was so tiring watching all those collies running and jumping over things that I just had to find a stick and take some time out.  (Wish mummy wouldn't take those pictures of me with my tongue peeking out a bit, it's so demeaning!) I had a go at agility but frankly I couldn't see the point.  And to be honest, my mummy is getting a bit old to be trying to run around alongside of me looking like a middle aged women struggling to keep up with a dog.  The man said I was probably better suited to chasing game, and that is true, I love a good game!

Of course, my life isn't all fun and games, walks and naps and eating (just 99% of it), I have some serious work to do too.  On a Sunday morning, one of my jobs is to carry the Travel section of the Sunday papers home.  Daddy likes it nice and wet and slobbered on apparently.  And I am so proud to serve my pack leader.  People smile a lot and pat me as I go past as well, which is always appreciated.

So, fellow dogs, what have you been up recently?  Let's get a canine conversation going!


  1. Holly really enjoyed that conversation Lucca. She loved those photos and is now in the process of letting you know how a typical day goes for her. Her mummy has lots of chores to do first, but she said when she gets a spare moment she will jot down my thoughts - whatever jots means!

  2. Hello Lucca
    lovely to see your turn at posting on the blog, Alfie would like to comment himself but his Mum is too stooopid to manage 2 lots of log ins and finding blogs. Alfie does agility with his Daddy as his Mummy cant run either. He is also rubbish at crafts, aside from running off with odd bits of fabric which he might find funny but I dont.
    Hope to see much more of your turns at blogging, or maybe Mummy might let you have your own like Alfie got today.

    Lynda x


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