
Friday, 20 August 2010

Size matters!

 Let's face it - estimating the size of something from an online photo is pretty difficult.  Who hasn't bought something online and then noted that 'it's smaller/bigger than I thought it would be'? I've often done that with jewellery myself.

I've had a couple of requests recently from potential customers asking to see necklaces modelled in real life.  Not surprisingly, considering my ugly mug (!) they didn't make a purchase after seeing the modelled photos.  And I really hate having my photo taken, so that's not a viable option.

I always try to give measurements in my descriptions, both in centimetres and inches but not sure this helps much?

 So I've been trying different ways to show dimensions in photos.  Not sure if any of these are useful, or whether some are misleading, so your views are critical here, please.

Why a golf ball?  I read somewhere that this was one of the only objects which is a consistent size across the world!  Does it speak to you?  Not me.  I wouldn't have been able to tell you the size of a golf ball before the dog obligingly picked this one up for me a few months ago (don't worry, it's been extensively washed since ;-))

Your thoughts, please!


  1. I always have a ruler near when browsing jewellery shops online, so I get a clue of the measurements. But I actually LIKE the golf ball idea; I suppose everybody kinda knows that size.
    Good doggie!

  2. Tricky. I don't like the ruler idea even though it's probably the best solution! GOlf ball is vague if you're not a golfer. Coins are only good if you're in that country I guess!

  3. Tricky. I don't like the ruler idea even though it is probably the best solution if you can't get a model. Golf balls are vague unless you're familiar with them. Coins are good, but not if you're not native to the country whose currency it is!
    Not much help am I? lol

  4. Golf ball idea - good. Ruler idea - good. The only other option is getting a mannequin head and putting your jewellery on her if you don't want to have your photo taken. I'm the same, the further the distance the better. Hate having my photo taken, hence anywhere on my blog etc. I am 'visibly' missing.

  5. I always put in the size dimentions of the item, and as above, have a tape measure handy when purchasing to do a quick check!

    I like the hand shot, do that myself as it feels more personal.

    Natalie x

  6. To be perfectly honest, size does not matter to me (in jewellery terms at least!). If I like something I can tell whether it's something I would wear from the photo normally and I can always grab a ruler if I need to.

    I don't like the golf ball as it detracts from any ambience your photo may create. I don't see why you couldn't include the ruler in one of the pictures but it's the main one that will grab my attention and make my mind up!

    I bought some of your jewellery before based on the gorgeous colours and uniqueness!

    Don't know if that helps at all!

  7. Great post! This seems to be an issue lots of people wonder about, particularly jewellery makers. I tend to stick with just giving detailed sizes in the descriptions because I don't like photos with coins/rulers, but I may have to start to think about another way to show scale.

  8. It is a tricky one. How do you put something in a photo that doesn't take anything away from your product? I use a spread of coins, and at the moment I only sell to the UK, so I think that works, if I decide to sell further afield I will have to look into getting myself some of those golf balls :)

  9. I've got a ruler next to the pc too. With my jewellery I try to take a pic on the life size mannequin I've got if possible (she's called Dolly the Dummy)

  10. I like the idea of the golf ball being the same size world over but not sure it quite works with jewellery...maybe some pretty squared fabric or paper as the background where each square is 1cm2 maybe?

  11. I know what you mean. When I buy beads I always have my ruler handy to check the size but still sometimes get it wrong and when they arrive am a bit surprised they're not bigger!

  12. I'm afraid the gold ball slightly puts me off, I wouldn't mind the ruler but not as a main picture.
    I was wering one of my pieces today and my boss wanted it, as soon as she tried it on she said it looks great on you but not on me. I think jewellery can look so different depending on the person and the clothes, skin colour etc so its very difficult to get it just right, for everyone. It very tough.

  13. I don't like including rulers etc in photos. I always state dimensions of my jewellery/bags. If I'm buying I like to see measurements and can usually visualise the size fairly accurately from that. Having said that I did recently fall in love with some beads and order them without noticing the size then got a shock when they arrived and were teensy!

  14. An interesting topic. Personally, if I'm buying jewellery it's not such an issue as, like lisbonlioness, I make sure I've got a ruler handy. But I do like to see a coin or ruler in the photo when I'm buying fabric - it's amazing just how many fabric sellers don't even bother to list the pattern repeat!

  15. Sorry - meant to add that I'd rather see a ruler than a golfball!

  16. I kind of like how quirky the golf ball is but it might get old a little too fast for you. I suppose the other standard measure is a coin ... but that's not very global is it? Hmm.
    Perhaps your down to hunting for an exhibitionist friend who's willing to trade jewellery for beautiful product photos (I have a sister for this purpose) xx

  17. That's a good idea!
    Even though I always put the measurements in the item description, people still ask me how large an item is!

    I love your blog and passing The Versatile Blogger Award to you :-)


  18. Really interesting comments - thank you! I like the idea of using some squared paper as a background for one shot - that sounds quite unobtrusive, doesn't it?

    And thanks for the Versatile Blogger Award, Mamasakio!

  19. I like the ruler, theres something honest about it that I like, the hand is good too but i've been decieved by people with big or tiny hands lol!! Americans always use a dime don't they but i think a coin seems crass.
    Thanks my tuppence on the matter lol :)

  20. I like to see a ruler if I am buying supplies, but not for finished jewellery.
    I think the hand is the best/ least obtusive option, from the above.

  21. I like the hand photo. The ruler and gold ball aren't as obvious size whys as a hand to me. That might just be the way my odd mind thinks though!

  22. Its difficult for jewellery, with bags you can at least place a phone or purse and that way you can get an idea of size.
    I recently bought some jewellery, the photo was full of this gorgeous gemstone but they were teeny when they arrived, still lovely though.
    I think if you can place something in the photo that people can relate to it can give the impression of size. I agree though about the ruler and golf ball detracting. I have seen earrings photographed hanging from wine glasses, which I think gives a buyer a reasonable idea.

  23. Lol, I should probably add that I use coins in images of my beads (not the main image) as I think beads can be quite deceptive, but I just looked through a bunch of jewellery images that I took recently and there isn't a scale shot in site, I just didn't think to take one for them.

  24. Interesting blog. I have struggled with this issue too. I like the hand idea and think I will use this next time I list. Jo x

  25. This is an interesting post and useful comments. I don't like the golf ball as if associates the object wih golfers. I like the ruler in there myself. But if you give dimensions I don't see the problem.

  26. I like the hand shot - there generally isn't that much difference in ladies hand size, so it's a good guide. How about earrings being worn (I've been told to do similar with the bags I sell and I'm in the process of bribing a friend to pose!)


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